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Contact Us

All Great Things Start With a Conversation

Serving the Digimon TCG Community, give us your input!

About Digital Gate Open

Since 2021, Digital Gate Open has been a leading source of information for the Digimon TCG community and competitive scene. It once started by creating a website to server as an overview of all available cards for personal use, but quickly expanded to a full-fledged website with a database of all cards, decklists, articles, tournament and local game store results.

Now we are a team of passionate Digimon TCG players who are dedicated to providing the best content for the game. We are always looking for ways to improve the site, serve the community and would love to hear from you. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

Contact us via Email

Digital Gate Open main goal is serving the Digimon TCG community and want to bring as much content to the fanbase as possible.
If you have won a tournament or local game store event, have a community which posts often event results or want to collaborate with us, do not hesitate and feel free to contact us.