[Main] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with [Huckmon] or [Sistermon] in its name or [Royal Knight] in its traits among them to your hand. Trash the rest. Then, place this card in your Battle Area.
[Main] <Delay> (Trash this card in your Battle Area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)-The next time one of your Digimon would digivolve this turn, reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Inherited Effect
[Security] Reveal 3 cards from the top of your deck. Add 1 card with [Huckmon] or [Sistermon] in its name or [Royal Knight] in its traits among them to your hand. Trash the rest. Then, place this card in your Battle Area.