[DNA Digivolve] Blue/Purple Lv.6 + Black/Yellow Lv.6: Cost 0[DNA Digivolve] [Plesiomon] + Lv.5 or higher w/[Seadramon] in name: Cost 0[When Digivolving] Return 14 play cost's total worth of your opponent's Digimon to the bottom of the deck. If DNA digivolving, you may play 12 play cost's total worth of [DS] trait Digimon from this Digimon's digivolution cards without paying the cost.
[All Turns] While you have 1 or more memory, none of your Digimon with the [DS] trait are affected by the effects of your opponent's Digimon. While you have 1 or less memory, none of your opponent's Digimon's [On Play] effects can activate.
[Rule] Trait: Has [Aquatic] Type.