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2024 July EX6 EU Regionals 2nd Leopardmon

EX6 Leopardmon 2nd place by Manuel Anggelo

Leopardmon is the answer for the current EX6 meta!

Introduce yourself, who are you and how did you start with the TCG?

My name is Anggelo and I'm 27 Years old, originally from Peru, but since 2010 I live in Italy. I started with the Digimon Trading Card Game after watching a video on YouTube from CardProtagonist. The card game and the special effects of the video attracted me so much that I wanted to play it, besides that I’ve also been a Digimon fan since I was a child. I started playing the Digimon TCG at around BT8 New Awakening and I'm a very competitive person so I wanted to become good at the game.

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Favorite Digimon

EX3-074 Examon because it looks so cool and it was my favorite Digimon in Digimon Masters Online.

Favorite Alternate Art

My favorite Digimon TCG Alternate Art card is EX5-063 Leviamon.

Do you have any other Digimon TCG related achievements?

Yeah I have other achievements apart from the 2nd place in PEC Occitania Regionals Europe:

Where do you normally practice?

At locals I remember during BT13 Versus Royal Knights I won like 10 or 11 weeks in a row. xD I really enjoy my locals even if it is a bit far from home, but thanks to a friend he can give me a ride to reach it on the weekends. The locals have a very friendly environment, we are all friends and it is very fun to play there, but most of the time I play on a webcam with my friend Dr Zaius. I improved a lot by playing with such a good player and also in other Discords like the Spanish and English ones. Currently I don’t play that much during my free time, but I remember when I started with the game I played like 8-10 hours on a webcam every single day haha.

Let’s talk about your deck! Why did you decide to bring this deck?

So I decided to bring Leopardmon to this tournament because I tested this deck for about 1-2 months in BT16 Beginning Observer, but I saw that there was no answer to Magnamon X. After the release of EX6-035 Cherubimon I had the answer to Magnamon X. I think in general to any matchup and having a big chance to win against 2 of the strongest decks that are Magna Blue/Vaccine and Numemon.

Deck details

7th Jul 2024
PEC Occitania
Event type


53 2
Green Green Yellow
5 40 5 5
Digitama Digimon Tamer Option
5 12 9 8 9 2
Lvl2 Lvl3 Lvl4 Lvl5 Lvl6 Lvl7


Digimon TCG Card 'BT10-046' 'Palmon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-044' 'Palmon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT15-045' 'Palmon (X Antibody)'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT9-047' 'Pomumon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-046' 'Togemon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT15-048' 'Togemon (X Antibody)'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT8-049' 'Namakemon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-049' 'Lillymon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT15-051' 'Lillymon (X Antibody)'


Digimon TCG Card 'ST4-010' 'Lillymon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT13-056' 'Leopardmon'


Digimon TCG Card 'EX5-043' 'Leopardmon (X Antibody)'


Digimon TCG Card 'EX6-035' 'Cherubimon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT12-057' 'Quartzmon'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT1-089' 'Mimi Tachikawa'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT14-085' 'Mimi Tachikawa'


Digimon TCG Card 'BT3-103' 'Hidden Potential Discovered!'


Digimon TCG Card 'P-106' 'Agility Training'



Digimon TCG Card 'BT11-004' 'Tanemon'


Digimon TCG Card 'EX2-004' 'Gummymon'


Could you explain your card choices?

I can briefly explain the card choices.


For the level 3, 4x BT14-044 Palmon, 1x BT10-046 Palmon searcher and 4x BT15-045 Palmon (X Antibody). This is because they have a good Inherited Effect for the lvl3 SR’s and an amazing (Start of Your Main Phase). Palmon (X Antibody) is just there to suspend things that can only be deleted by battle. Also they are very useful against the Imperialdramon deck, so your opponent can’t use Partition. So yeah 3x BT9-047 Pomumon is the mvp for this format, so strong against many decks and I can combo it with Leopardmon and Cherubimon.


For lvl 4's, simply just 4x BT14-046 Togemon to play Tamers for free most all the time and 4x BT15-048 Togemon (X Antibody) to freeze and suspend your opponents Digimon. At last 1x BT8-049 Namakemon, I wanted a 9th lvl 4 and Namakemon was the best choice.


Then as lvl5, 2x ST4-10 Lillymon searchers as that card searches all of our lvl 6 or lvl 7. Then 2x BT14-049 Lillymon for the Numemon matchup and 4x BT15-051 Lillymon (X Antibody) to go just to lvl5 for a cost of 2 memory if there is an opponent's suspended Digimon on the board.


Then 3x BT13-056 Leopardmon and 4x EX5-043 Leopardmon (X Antibody), they have the same base effect but Leopardmon X is the strongest of course. Then 2x EX6-035 Cherubimon for the Magnamon X matchup and 2x BT12-057 Quartzmon to finish games when there is 1 or 2 security left and I don't want to risk losing the game.


Then 3x BT14-085 Mimi Tachikawa searchers and 2x BT1-089 Mimi Tachikawa 4 cost tamer that’s just there for our BT14-046 Togemon and to use our Inherited Effect that require a Tamer to reduce evolution costs.


Then 4x P-106 Agility Training and 1x BT3-103 Hidden Potential Discovered! I use the training cards over memory cards because no one plays floodgates for the training cards at the moment.

What matchups did you think could be hard or easy?

I think the hardest matchups are OTK decks because there is no interaction until they come out of breeding and Leviamon xD just because he has so much value against me, it’s not unwinnable but you have to think a lot and 1 mistake may make you lose the game in that moment.
Easy matchup I think is Numemon where it is usually 80-20 for me, 90-10 if I see BT14-049 Lillymon turn 1 after he plays a cost 3 and passes me to 3 memory.


Matchups using the Swiss format.

Round 1: Magnamon Blue Version 2-0

This was a pretty fast matchup. I was just too fast compared to him and EX6-035 Cherubimon just destroyed all his BT16-102 Magnamon (X Antibody).

Round 2: Seven Demon Lords 1-1

The only draw in the Swiss format. It was very hard as I said EX5-063 Leviamon is hard to play against as he can just hardplay for a reduced cost of 9, it’s too strong haha. I managed to win the second game and sadly there was not enough time, this kind of matchup can be very long.

Round 3: Rapidmon 2-0

Rapid is hard too because he can clear your whole board, but I managed to win thanks to good board control and suspending Tamers with BT12-057 Quartzmon at the right moment. I played Rapidmon before so I know that deck very well haha.

Round 4: Numemon 2-0

Fast match! I just destroyed every Numemon deck at this Tournament, not much to say apart from that I knew how to play against Numemon with Leopardmon.

Round 5: Magnamon Vaccine 2-1

Another Tier 1 deck. Game 1 I won pretty fast too, his BT9-0337 were not a problem. Game 2 he won because he managed to establish BT16-102 Magnamon (X Antibody) and BT16-101 Rapidmon (X Antibody) on the board, so yeah.. nothing to do there haha. Game 3 I won by just deleting his Magnamon X with EX6-035 Cherubimon and clearing his 3-4 security so his Patamons do nothing after raising from breeding.

Round 6: Numemon 2-0

Like any Numemon, a fast match!

Round 7: Numemon 2-0

And again, just another fast match!

Matchups Top 8

Matchups Top Cut

Top 8 : Imperialdramon 2-1

This matchup is tough for Imperialdramon because of BT9-047 Pomumon. I managed to win just in time with only 1 security left. Besides that, the Imperialdramon played very well around Pomumon as well. In the end it was a very fun match to play.

Top 4 : Seven Demon Lords 2-1

Again a very tough matchup! Game 1 he just destroyed me as he always had good cards in his hands. Game 2 he had a sick start… milling 2 ST14-12 Rivals' Barrage and 1 EX5-063 Leviamon with his EX6-056 Beelzemon. I was so tilted there, so at that moment I had to play around his Leviamon that he revived at least 2 times. I managed to win with a sick combo I did, I hope this match was streamed as it was an amazing game. I have recorded this combo, but I don't know if I can share it. Then for game 3 he decided to go first and I had a really nice hand. I managed to always clear his board by swimming into his Digimon and not activating his EX6-006 Gate of Deadly Sins effect, I just finished with BT12-057 Quartzmon.

Finals: Fenriloogamon 0-2

OTK deck, there is no interaction, I always had to answer with Pomumon. Game 2 he had BT9-112 DeathXmon the exact moment I had set up my board, haha not much to do there.

What was the weakness and strength of your deck?

I think for Leopardmon there is no weakness, you can win any matchup and most of the Tier1 decks. Numemon or Magnamon are pretty easy to beat, you just need to know the decks very well. You will probably lose most of the time because you did make some mistakes.

If you had to change something, what would it be?

I wouldn't change the deck at the moment, maybe in the future with other new cards I could it improve it.

Any shoutouts or special thanks?

I just want to say thx to my friend DrZaius for all the testing and to all the people who congratulated me. :)

Interviewed and special thanks to: Anggelo Manuel Centeno Rossello
Author: Digital Gate Open (Nathan van Hulst)